ጀግናዉ በላይ ዘለቀ ላቀዉ ቂልጡ አያኖ ገልገሊ(BELAY ZELEKE LAKEW KILTU AYANO GALGALI) ዉዱ
የወሎ ቦራና ኦሮሞ ታወላጅ እና የኢትዮዽያ የጭንቅ ግዜ ልጅ ነዉ ፣በግዜዉ የነበረዉን ስራዓት በመቀወም ነበር ዱር
ቤቴ ብሎ የሰሜን ወሎ እና የጎጃምን በረሀ እና ደን መጣጊያ መሸሻግያ የደረገዉ ነገረ ግን የጠሊያን መንግስት መቶ
ኢትዮዽያን በቀኝ ግዘት ለመየዝ ኢትዮዽያን ስወራት ምንም እንኳን እሱን ለደን በዳራገዉ ስራዓት ኢትዮዽያ
ብትተደዳርም የበዓድን ድፍረት እና ወረራ እሺ ብሎ መቀበል እንዳ አንድ አንድ በንዳዎች አልተዋጠለትም በስልጠንም
ብያባብሉት እምቢ ለሀገሬ ብሎ በዱር በገደሉ ለሀገሩ ነፃነት ታፈለመ ወራሪዎችንም ፋታ አሳጣ አስደነቂ እና ድረብ
ድሎችንም በጠላት ላይ ተጎናፀፈ ሀገሩንም ነፃ በማዉጣት ዉስጥ ጉልህ ድርሻ የተወጣ ጀግና ነዉ፡፡ነገር ግን አንድ
አንድ ለራሰቸዉ ተሳስታዉ ሌላዉን የሚያሰስቱ ታሪክንም የሚበርዙ የታሪክ ሌቦች በላይ ዘላቀ በሸፈታነቱ ግዜ
በምንቀሰቀስባቻዉ አከበቢዎች ከመጀመረያወ(ከወሎየዋ) ከ80 ሚስቱ ዉጪ የወለዳቸዉን ልጆቹን በመጥቀስ የተገኘበትን
ብሄር ሲቀይሩ እና የራሳቻዉ መጠሪያ ሲያደርጉት ይታያል ይሄ ከታሪክም አንፃር አስነወሪ ሌብነት ነዉ መፍትሄ
ሊበጅለት ይገበል እያልኩ የታሪክ አደራየን አቀርበለዉ
Belay was born in 1912 in Chaketa, Wollo, Ethiopia, to Oromo parents. At a very young age under mysterious circumstances, Belay killed his uncle and fled to a life of fugitive with little or no contact with his immediate family for about 15 years during which time he developed traits that would help him achieve a name for himself in Ethiopian history as one of the greatest heroes who defended their country.
In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia. Zeleke felt the need to defend his country and led a heroic movement against the occupation in Gojjam. Soon, he became known for being incredibly brutal among Italian generals and they fought him as hard as they could. Not only did he defeat the Italian army that was sent to destroy him, he also took into custody the army’s general and executed him by hanging.
The Ethiopian patriots liberated Addis Ababa on 6 May 1941 and this victory officially ended the Italian occupation. Emperor Haile Selassie returned to Addis Ababa on 5 May 1941 after spending the preceding five years in exile in Europe. There are no physical signs of Italian invasion in the province of Gojam largely because of Belay Zeleke's resistance. It is evident that Belay Zeleke never let the Italian troops camp anywhere in Gojjam let alone leave a legacy of any sort.
Belay was born in 1912 in Chaketa, Wollo, Ethiopia, to Oromo parents. At a very young age under mysterious circumstances, Belay killed his uncle and fled to a life of fugitive with little or no contact with his immediate family for about 15 years during which time he developed traits that would help him achieve a name for himself in Ethiopian history as one of the greatest heroes who defended their country.
In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia. Zeleke felt the need to defend his country and led a heroic movement against the occupation in Gojjam. Soon, he became known for being incredibly brutal among Italian generals and they fought him as hard as they could. Not only did he defeat the Italian army that was sent to destroy him, he also took into custody the army’s general and executed him by hanging.
The Ethiopian patriots liberated Addis Ababa on 6 May 1941 and this victory officially ended the Italian occupation. Emperor Haile Selassie returned to Addis Ababa on 5 May 1941 after spending the preceding five years in exile in Europe. There are no physical signs of Italian invasion in the province of Gojam largely because of Belay Zeleke's resistance. It is evident that Belay Zeleke never let the Italian troops camp anywhere in Gojjam let alone leave a legacy of any sort.
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