Sunday 28 February 2016

Top Ten Poorest Countries in the world


Top Ten Poorest Countries in the world

RankCountryMPI PoorPop. Living on less $1.24
Burkina Faso

Source: Oxford University 

Thursday 11 February 2016

ጀግናው አትሌት እንደ ጫማው ሁሉ አዕምሮውን ሳይሰቅል አልቀረም!

ዴሞክራሲ ቅንጦት ነው። ለአፍሪካ የሚያስፈልገው መልካም አስተዳዳሪ ነው" ኃይሌ ገብረስላሴ::           Haile said that
"As an African citizen democracy is a luxury... the most important thing is a good governor," he says. "If we have that, Africa has the potential to change."
But Is there any good governor without democracy? Does he have a clue how the two directly related?
Some years before,Haile dreams to be the president of Ethiopia.He dream it without knowing the importance of democracy in good governance.

ጀግናው አትሌት እንደ ጫማው ሁሉ አዕምሮውን ሳይሰቅል አልቀረም!

Wednesday 10 February 2016


ጀግናዉ በላይ ዘለቀ ላቀዉ ቂልጡ አያኖ ገልገሊ(BELAY ZELEKE LAKEW KILTU AYANO GALGALI) ዉዱ የወሎ ቦራና ኦሮሞ ታወላጅ እና የኢትዮዽያ የጭንቅ ግዜ ልጅ ነዉ ፣በግዜዉ የነበረዉን ስራዓት በመቀወም ነበር ዱር ቤቴ ብሎ የሰሜን ወሎ እና የጎጃምን በረሀ እና ደን መጣጊያ መሸሻግያ የደረገዉ ነገረ ግን የጠሊያን መንግስት መቶ ኢትዮዽያን በቀኝ ግዘት ለመየዝ ኢትዮዽያን ስወራት ምንም እንኳን እሱን ለደን በዳራገዉ ስራዓት ኢትዮዽያ ብትተደዳርም የበዓድን ድፍረት እና ወረራ እሺ ብሎ መቀበል እንዳ አንድ አንድ በንዳዎች አልተዋጠለትም በስልጠንም ብያባብሉት እምቢ ለሀገሬ ብሎ በዱር በገደሉ ለሀገሩ ነፃነት ታፈለመ ወራሪዎችንም ፋታ አሳጣ አስደነቂ እና ድረብ ድሎችንም በጠላት ላይ ተጎናፀፈ ሀገሩንም ነፃ በማዉጣት ዉስጥ ጉልህ ድርሻ የተወጣ ጀግና ነዉ፡፡ነገር ግን አንድ አንድ ለራሰቸዉ ተሳስታዉ ሌላዉን የሚያሰስቱ ታሪክንም የሚበርዙ የታሪክ ሌቦች በላይ ዘላቀ በሸፈታነቱ ግዜ በምንቀሰቀስባቻዉ አከበቢዎች ከመጀመረያወ(ከወሎየዋ) ከ80 ሚስቱ ዉጪ የወለዳቸዉን ልጆቹን በመጥቀስ የተገኘበትን ብሄር ሲቀይሩ እና የራሳቻዉ መጠሪያ ሲያደርጉት ይታያል ይሄ ከታሪክም አንፃር አስነወሪ ሌብነት ነዉ መፍትሄ ሊበጅለት ይገበል እያልኩ የታሪክ አደራየን አቀርበለዉ
Belay was born in 1912 in Chaketa, Wollo, Ethiopia, to Oromo parents. At a very young age under mysterious circumstances, Belay killed his uncle and fled to a life of fugitive with little or no contact with his immediate family for about 15 years during which time he developed traits that would help him achieve a name for himself in Ethiopian history as one of the greatest heroes who defended their country.
In 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia. Zeleke felt the need to defend his country and led a heroic movement against the occupation in Gojjam. Soon, he became known for being incredibly brutal among Italian generals and they fought him as hard as they could. Not only did he defeat the Italian army that was sent to destroy him, he also took into custody the army’s general and executed him by hanging.
The Ethiopian patriots liberated Addis Ababa on 6 May 1941 and this victory officially ended the Italian occupation. Emperor Haile Selassie returned to Addis Ababa on 5 May 1941 after spending the preceding five years in exile in Europe. There are no physical signs of Italian invasion in the province of Gojam largely because of Belay Zeleke's resistance. It is evident that Belay Zeleke never let the Italian troops camp anywhere in Gojjam let alone leave a legacy of any sort.

Upon the Emperor Haile Selassie’s victorious return to Ethiopia in 1941, Belay Zeleke was put in charge of a small region in Gojam where he had assumed a higher rank to be able to play a much bigger role in reconstructing and administering the region.

He declined the position in protest and started living life as an outlaw. Soon he was caught and sent to jail accused of being a threat to the monarchy. Some members of the nobility who protested the actions taken on the patriot and Ras Hailu of Gojam who was a well known nemesis of the emperor helped Belay Zeleke to escape during which time a police officer was killed. He was apprehended later and was executed by hanging with his brother Ejigu and 17 others who were his followers on January 12, 1945. Ras Hailu and the other nobles who helped Belay were immediately put on house arrest and their wealth confiscated by the government. His execution was bitterly received by many Ethiopians. In his honor Gojam road was named after him. Most Ethiopians admire him as a king.

ዘር እኝኝኝነት…

ዘር እኝኝኝነት…
የ'ድራችሁ ጣት ቅሳሮ
በዘር ጥቅሻ አሻግሮ
ቢሸነቁጠኝ አባሮ
ሰደደኝ ለዘር ቁፋሮ።
ስንቅ የሚሆን ዘር ቋጥሬ
የዘር አደና ጀምሬ
ዘረኝነትን አየሁት
ወጉን ከ'ናንት ተምሬ።
እንጂ እኔማ አስተዳደጌ
ሰውኛ ክህነት ተክኜ
የተፈጥሮን ኦሪት ሞቲ
የቃሉን ፍቅር ታጥኜ።
ዘሬን ባላሸተው ኖሮ
ተውሼ ከእናንት አፍንጫ
ባልወረድኩኝ በመሰስታ
ለቅርምቻ የዘር ቅርጫ።
ብጠመቀው ነው በ'ናንተ
ብቀምሰው ቅብዓቅዱሱን
ብቀራ ነው ከዳዊቱ
የጎሣን ሥር ሥር መማሱን።
እንጂ የነፍሴማ እውነት
ያውላላው ዓለም ምስጢሯ
እንደዘሬ አስተምርሆ
ዘረሰው ነበረ ዘሯ።
ዘሬን ባላሸተው ኖሮ
በእናንተው ግድ ባይነት
እስከመቼውም አላውቀው
የእናንተንም ዘረኝነት።
ዘር - እኝኝነት።
... ኝኝነት።

Tuesday 9 February 2016

What is Valentine's Day, and how did it start?

What is Valentine's Day, and how did it start?

Heart shaped box and a rose

Valentine's Day, or St Valentine's Day, is celebrated every year on 14 February.
It's the day when people show their affection for another person or people by sending cards, flowers or chocolates with messages of love.
And traditionally on Valentine's Day in a leap year - every four years - women can propose marriage to their partner!

Who was St Valentine?

The day gets its name from a famous saint, but there are several stories of who he was.
The popular belief about St Valentine is that he was a priest from Rome in the third century AD.
Emperor Claudius II had banned marriage because he thought married men were bad soldiers. Valentine felt this was unfair, so he broke the rules and arranged marriages in secret.
When Claudius found out, Valentine was thrown in jail and sentenced to death.
There, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and when he was taken to be killed on 14 February he sent her a love letter signed "from your Valentine".

How did Valentine's Day start?

Valentine's Day is a very old tradition, thought to have originated from a Roman festival.
The Romans had a festival called Lupercalia in the middle of February, officially the start of their springtime.
It's thought that as part of the celebrations, boys drew names of girls from a box. They'd be boyfriend and girlfriend during the festival and sometimes they'd get married.
Later on, the church wanted to turn this festival into a Christian celebration and decided to use it to remember St Valentine too.
Gradually, St Valentine's name started to be used by people to express their feelings to those they loved.

Monday 8 February 2016

SHOCKING: Former CIA employee, Snowden claims Osama Bin Laden Is Still Alive!

SHOCKING: Former CIA employee, Snowden claims Osama Bin Laden Is Still Alive!

Former CIA employee, Edward Snowden has said that he has evidence showing that Osama bin Laden, who was supposedly killed in Pakistan in 2011 by U.S. special forces, is still alive and well.

In an interview with the Moscow Tribune, Snowden saidOsama was living in the Bahamas, on the payroll of the CIA.
He told the newspaper, “I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll. He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which is being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”
Snowden, who now lives as a fugitive in Russia, fled the U.S. after leaking documents about the NSA’s mass surveillance programs to the media in 2013.
The report also said that Snowden previously too made some unreported allegations about Osama bin Laden.
Snowden goes on to say that the CIA orchestrated the fake death of the former leader of Al-Qaeda.
He claims that Osama was transported with his family to an undisclosed location in the Bahamas.
The report further quotes him as follows – “Osama bin Laden was one of the CIA’s most efficient operatives for a long time. What kind of message would it send their other operatives if they were to let the SEALs kill him? They organized his fake death with the collaboration of the Pakistani Secret Services, and he simply abandoned his cover. Since everyone believes he is dead, nobody’s looking for him, so it was pretty easy to disappear. Without the beard and the military jacket, nobody recognizes him.”
Not only this, Snowden categorically states that he will talk about the documents which prove Bin Laden is alive in his soon-to-be-released book.
However, Snowden’s claims have not been substantiated or confirmed by any other source.
The US government has filed espionage charges against Snowden for revealing classified NSA documents to journalists.